Friday, May 14, 2010

5/4/2010 Interior Walls

Before this build day a decision needed to be made... All along I had planned to have a crane/Sky Trak on site to lift the trusses into place. I knew that this would make the job faster and easier in the long run. But, like everything else there would be a trade off. Cost of an operator and equipment would add to the cost of the home. Also, how could I keep 10 volunteers active on site when they couldn't all be involved in securing the trusses at one time? Realizing that the trusses at a 5/12 pitch would easily fit through a door opening, the decision was made to have our volunteers "raise the roof" themselves.

Sooo...the next step was to begin framing the interior walls. It's always exciting to see the rooms begin to appear as walls go up.  Vic and I had already laid out chalked lines to make the placement easier. The women pounded lots of nails that day. Between the walls on Saturday and the interior today, we had used up an entire box of spikes!  We forgot how many nails it takes as we're so used to using nail guns on job sites any more. Many of the women learned about toe nailing and the "cat's paw" as they discovered it's not as easy as it looks. 

It was great fun to see a line of women hoisting the wall they built off the deck and carrying it into place. I forgot my camera that day- sorry.    Nancy Lisabeth

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